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minted code samples more "condensed" than lst-listing


I want to switch to minted over listings for the superior syntax highlighting, especially for C++.But I can't get the font to look as nicely as with listings. Somehow the font is heavier and more condensed when generated with minted.

Here's an example (listings above, minted below):

listings above, minted below

This is my config for both of them:

\newfontfamily\UbuntuMono{Ubuntu Mono}\setmonofont{Ubuntu Mono}\lstset{  backgroundcolor=\color{dsolar_back},  basicstyle=\UbuntuMono\footnotesize\color{dsolar_text},  breakatwhitespace=false,  breaklines=true,   captionpos=b,  commentstyle=\color{dsolar_comm},  extendedchars=true,   frame=single,   keepspaces=true,  keywordstyle=\color{dsolar_keyw},   language=[11]C++,                numbers=left,                  numbersep=5pt,  rulecolor=\color{lightgrey},  showspaces=false,   showstringspaces=false,  showtabs=false,  stepnumber=2,  stringstyle=\color{dsolar_ltrl},  tabsize=4,  title=\lstname}\usepackage[cache=false]{minted}\setminted[c++]{    linenos=true,    bgcolor=dsolar_back,    fontsize=\footnotesize,    style=solarizedlight,    frame=single,    framesep=0pt,    rulecolor=\color{lightgrey},    stepnumber=2,    numbersep=5pt,    resetmargins=true}

Has anyone had experience with this? Are the some settings that I am missing? Thanks for your help!

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